The Importance of online educator planning tools

In today's fast-paced digital world, technology has become an essential part of our lives. With the rise of online education, it has become increasingly important for educators to have access to reliable and efficient online educator planning tools. These tools not only simplify the process of lesson planning, but they also offer numerous benefits that can help improve the overall teaching experience.

In this blog post, we will explore the importance of online educator planning tools, like Let’s teach!—the ultimate online educator planning platform, brought to you by Prim-Ed and R.I.C., that saves time and simplifies lesson planning—and how they can help educators achieve better results in the classroom.

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Streamlined planning process

One of the primary benefits of an online educator planning tool is the streamlined planning process. With traditional lesson planning, educators often need to manually create their lesson plans from scratch—which can be time-consuming and tedious—before storing them in boxes and binders, filling valuable space and creating clutter. However, with an online educator planning tool, educators can quickly and easily create customised lesson plans that align with their curriculum. This allows them to focus on the content of the lesson rather than the formatting, saving them time and energy.


Collaboration and communication

Online educator planning tools also offer collaboration and communication features that enable educators to work together and share resources. This is particularly beneficial for schools with multiple educators teaching the same subject or grade level. With an online educator planning tool, educators can share their lesson plans, resources, and ideas with each other, providing valuable insights and feedback. This collaboration and communication not only fosters a sense of community among educators, but also results in a more cohesive curriculum.


Tracking learner progress

Another critical benefit of an online educator planning tool is the ability to track learner progress. These tools allow educators to record and track learner progress, ensuring that they are meeting their learning objectives, while also assisting educators to identify areas where learners may need additional support, and to adjust lesson plans accordingly. By tracking learner progress, educators can personalise their teaching approach and provide a more effective learning experience for their learners.


Access to resources

Online educator planning tools also provide educators with access to a wide range of resources that can enhance their teaching experience. With Let’s teach!, our 35 years of experience provides educators with trusted content that can help engage learners and make learning more enjoyable.



In conclusion, an online educator planning tool is a powerful resource that can help educators streamline their planning process, collaborate with other educators, track learner progress, and access a wide range of resources. By utilising these tools, educators can provide a more effective and engaging learning experience for their learners, resulting in better academic outcomes. As technology continues to advance, the importance of online educator planning tools will only continue to grow.


Let’s teach!

Introducing Let’s teach!—the ultimate lesson planning tool for educators!

Try it for yourself now - get a free 30-day trial now and say goodbye to the hassle of planning your lessons from scratch and hello to a streamlined, efficient planning process.